Rules of KōNANE

Learn the rules and start playing now

Step 1. Board Setup


Setup your board by placing white tokens, and black tokens, in alternating spaces.  Position the board between the two players so the right corner facing you is filled with a black token.

Above:  A 6×6 gameboard.  The objective of Kōnane is to be the last person to make a move.  

Step 2. Randomly  select who plays black


One method is to take one white piece and one black piece and mix them up anonymously.  Without looking, place one piece in each fist and have your opponent select a fist to reveal which color they are playing.

Above:  Black goes first by selecting one of the two black tokens located in the center of the gameboard, and removes it.  

Step 3. White removes an adjacent white token


White follows by removing one of the adjacent white tokens.  Now you can take turns, black then white, jumping over opposite colors and removing them from the board.  You may not jump diagonal.  You may not move a piece without jumpng another.  

Above:  the four glass beads are one example of which tokens whit can remove.  Once one is removed, its blacks turn to start jumping.   

The objective is to leave your opponent stranded without a move

Game play basics

You cannot move a piece diagonally

You must jump over your opponents piece to complete a move.  

You may double or triple jump as long as you dont change directions.

Keep playing until someone cannot make a move.  

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